About the artist
Drawing was
my island, my refuge …
Christine Sefolosha was born in Switzerland, near Montreux on Lake Geneva shores. As an only child, she grew up under her mother’s care who lovingly encouraged her imaginative streak and left her to explore it freely. Passionate about horse riding, the young girl told herself stories and created worlds inhabited by horses and animals. When she turned 20, and was about to start Fine Art School, life, in an odd turn of events, brought her to South Africa. Her first six years there were spent in a protected environment within the White community. Family was a priority. But she continued drawing. With assiduity. Animals chiefly. Until a time when she became conscious of the harsh realities of Apartheid. Her escapades into the townships confronted her with the gagged, undercover culture of its people. Music, theatre, dance, visual arts: such an amazingly rich, creative streak was revealed to her through her wanderings. This experience would forever change Sefolosha. From then on, the artist realized that she could no longer be content to reproduce just the surrounding reality, but that she must imperatively explore the depths of her feelings, find her place in the world, in other words, realize herself as an artist. Coming home to Switzerland in the early of the 1980s, Christine put all her energy into reaching her goal. Her first solo show in Vevey in 1988 became the beginning of a path that has brought her to exhibit around the world.
La tête à l’envers
Marlène Métrailler
Laurence Froidevaux et Marlène Métrailler
(March 26, 2016)
About the artist
Drawing was
my island, my refuge …
Christine Sefolosha was born in Switzerland, near Montreux on Lake Geneva shores. As an only child, she grew up under her mother’s care who lovingly encouraged her imaginative streak and left her to explore it freely. Passionate about horse riding, the young girl told herself stories and created worlds inhabited by horses and animals. When she turned 20, and was about to start Fine Art School, life, in an odd turn of events, brought her to South Africa. Her first six years there were spent in a protected environment within the White community. Family was a priority. But she continued drawing. With assiduity. Animals chiefly. Until a time when she became conscious of the harsh realities of Apartheid. Her escapades into the townships confronted her with the gagged, undercover culture of its people. Music, theatre, dance, visual arts: such an amazingly rich, creative streak was revealed to her through her wanderings. This experience would forever change Sefolosha. From then on, the artist realized that she could no longer be content to reproduce just the surrounding reality, but that she must imperatively explore the depths of her feelings, find her place in the world, in other words, realize herself as an artist. Coming home to Switzerland in the early of the 1980s, Christine put all her energy into reaching her goal. Her first solo show in Vevey in 1988 became the beginning of a path that has brought her to exhibit around the world.
La tête à l’envers
Marlène Métrailler
Laurence Froidevaux et Marlène Métrailler
(March 26, 2016)
About the artist
Drawing was
my island, my refuge …
Christine Sefolosha was born in Switzerland, near Montreux on Lake Geneva shores. As an only child, she grew up under her mother’s care who lovingly encouraged her imaginative streak and left her to explore it freely. Passionate about horse riding, the young girl told herself stories and created worlds inhabited by horses and animals. When she turned 20, and was about to start Fine Art School, life, in an odd turn of events, brought her to South Africa. Her first six years there were spent in a protected environment within the White community. Family was a priority. But she continued drawing. With assiduity. Animals chiefly. Until a time when she became conscious of the harsh realities of Apartheid. Her escapades into the townships confronted her with the gagged, undercover culture of its people. Music, theatre, dance, visual arts: such an amazingly rich, creative streak was revealed to her through her wanderings. This experience would forever change Sefolosha. From then on, the artist realized that she could no longer be content to reproduce just the surrounding reality, but that she must imperatively explore the depths of her feelings, find her place in the world, in other words, realize herself as an artist. Coming home to Switzerland in the early of the 1980s, Christine put all her energy into reaching her goal. Her first solo show in Vevey in 1988 became the beginning of a path that has brought her to exhibit around the world.
La tête à l’envers
Marlène Métrailler
Laurence Froidevaux et Marlène Métrailler
(March 26, 2016)

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Scheidegger & Spiess - 2021
Jenseits aller Regeln -
Aussenseiterkunst, ein Phänomen
Textes Martina Denzler, Markus Landert,
Astrid Sedlmeier
Photographies Stefan Rohner, St-Gallent
Format ...
Nombre de pages ...
Langues allemand
Prix CHF ...
ISBN 978-3-03942-014-8
Authors Martina Denzler, Markus Landert, Astrid Sedlmeier
Photography Stefan Rohner, St-Gallent
Languages German
Price CHF ...
(does not include postage)
ISBN 978-3-03942-014-8

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Till Schaap Edition - 2015
Christine Sefolosha,
Timeless Wanderer
Cette première monographie de l’artiste retrace 25 ans de carrière d’une oeuvre riche et fascinante, commentée par des auteurs de renom, et augmentée d’un entretien accordé à Roger Cardinal. Un ouvrage illustré par le photographe Mario Del Curto.
Textes Monika Jagfeld, Leslie Umberger, Roger Cardinal, Randall Morris, Sébastien Dizerens.
Photographies Mario Del Curto
Format 24,5 x 32 cm
Nombre de pages 208, 250 illustrations en couleursCouverture toilée
Langues allemand, français, anglais
Prix CHF 49.- / Euro 68.-
ISBN 978-3-03828-0491
This is the first monograph about the artist’s work spanning over the last 25 years. A rich and fascinating description, commented by well known authors and an interview with Roger Cardinal. The book is lavishly illustrated by the photographer Mario Del Curto.
Authors Monika Jagfeld, Leslie Umberger, Roger Cardinal, Randall Morris, Sébastien Dizerens.
Photography Mario Del Curto
Format 9.6 x 12.5″, 250 color illustrations, Linen cover
Languages German, French, English translations
Price CHF 49.-/ Euro 43.- US $43
(does not include postage)
ISBN 978-3-03828-0491

Galerie Polad-Hardouin - 2010
Vaisseaux fantômes
Publié à l’occasion de l’exposition éponyme.
Galerie Polad-Hardouin, 86, Rue Quincampoix,
75003 Paris qui a fermé en 2018.
Textes Charles-Arthur Boyer
Photographies Mario del Curto
Format 24 x 16.5cm
Nombre de pages 52 pages, 20 illustrations
Langues Français
Graphisme Werner Yekker, E.Schwarzenbeck
Prix 20 €
ISBN 978-2-918888-062

Fragments International - 2007
Catalog: Sefolosha
Publié à l’occasion de l' exposition monographique
à la Halle St Pierre, 2, Rue Ronsard, 75018, Paris avec S.Katuschewsk
Textes Martine Lusardy, director of Halle St Pierre Museum, Paris and Leslie Umberger, curator, Washington DC, USA
Photographies Mario del Curto
Format 20 x 30 cm
Nombre de pages 78
Langues français, anglais
Prix 23 € / 30 Chf
ISBN 978-2-917160-00-8

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Éditions Art&Fiction - 2005
60 pages de reproductions en couleurs font de PHANTOM la publication la plus complète sur l'œuvre de Christine Sefolosha entre 1994 et 2004. L'édition française est accompagnée d'un essai de l'écrivain et chercheur français Alain Bouillet: Entre Sirène et Méduse… Les épiphanies de Christine Sefolosha
Textes Alain Bouillet, Leslie Umberger
Format 11.5 x 19.5cm
Nombre de pages 80
Langues français, anglais
Prix 37 CHF
ISBN 978-2-9700398-4-2

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Publié avec l'aide du Service des affaires culturelles, Lausanne et la ville de Montreux - 1999
Pelure d’oignon
Toute première publication, 24 pages pliées, relatent les premiers travaux de peintures sur terre, goudrons sur kraft, aquarelle papier « pelure d’oignon »
Texte Edith Carey, alors conservatrice
au Musée Jenisch, Vevey.
Anne Lou Steininger, lauréate du prix Sandoz de littérature.
Format 15 x 21 cm
Nombre de pages 24
Langue Français
Graphiste Flavia Cocchi
Épuisé !

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Skira/Rizzoli - The Folk Art Museum - 2017
The Hidden Art
Published in collaboration with the American Folk Art Museum. This unparalleled survey celebrates the works of one of the world’s most important collections of self-taught artists.
The Hidden Art reveals for the first time an exceptional trove of contemporary and historic artworks by an exemplary roster of international self-taught artists from the collection of Audrey B. Heckler. Heckler, who has been building her extensive collection with the highest criteria of quality and rigor since the early 1990s, is celebrated for having an acute instinct for exquisite works. This volume presents exceptional examples of some of the most recognizable artists of the field, including Henry Darger, Bill Traylor, Martín Ramírez, Adolf Wölfli, Aloïse Corbaz, William Edmondson, Thornton Dial, Howard Finster, Morris Hirshfield, Nek Chand, Sam Doyle, and Achilles Rizzoli.
The Hidden Art explains the breadth and significance of Heckler’s collection within the context of the field of self-taught art. A variety of exploratory texts by 32 renowned scholars discuss these artworks, providing important background information on each of the forty-eight artists. Elegant yet engaging, this comprehensive volume will be treasured by a wide audience of art lovers, artists, and artisans alike.
Textes Valérie Rousseau is curator, self-taught art
and art brut, at the American Folk Art Museum.
Jane Kallir is an author, curator, and codirector of New York’s Galerie St. Etienne.
Format 23 x 27cm
Nombre de pages 272, hardcover
Langues anglais
Prix 67 $
ISBN 978-2-8478-5902-3

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Manoir de Martigny - 2002
Outremer 3711
Publié à l’occasion de l’exposition double au Manoir de Martigny avec Claire Koenig. Avec l’aide de la Fondation Leenaards, Lausanne, Fondation Baccarini, Vevey, ville image. En forme de leporello, reproduction d’une correspondance autour du voyage effectué avec C.Koenig, à Rotterdam.
Textes Anne-Lou Steiniger
Format 15 x 15 cm
Nombre de pages 20 recto / 20 verso, leporello
Langues Français
Prix 25 chf

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Art&Fiction, Lausanne - 2003
Grand catalogue
Grandes pages imprimées sur papier couché mat,
pliées et insérées les unes dans les autres.
A l’initiative de l’édition art&fiction, Lausanne et Mario del Curto qui signe toutes les photographies.
Textes Roger Cardinal (Roger Cardinal was emeritus professor at the University of Kent at Canterbury, England, and art scholar who originated the term "outsider art").
Format 37 x 26 cm
Nombre de pages 16 images + 1 page texte reconnu
Langues Français, anglais
co-édition art&fiction, Lausanne
graphisme Werner Jeker/Elisabeth Schwarzenberg